Reading Barcodes from Linux C or C++ Application
- Download and unzip the SDK content to local folder. For example, to ~/sdks/sd-toolkit/sdt-barcode-sdk
- Using the sdt-brc-activate tool, located in bin/ folder of the SDK, activate Purcased Developer license. Skip this step to use trail version.
- Add SD-TOOLKIT SDK include folder path to your application project or makefile include folders search path. Add SD-TOOLKIT SDK lib/x86 or lib/x64 folder path to your application project or makefile library search path.
- In C/C++ application Create instance of BarcodeReader by calling SDTCreateBarcodeReader.
- Specify if needed scan area on the input image in pixels where engine will look for barcode symbols by calling SDTSetActiveScanRect. By default will be used whole image.
- Specify barcode symbol types the BarcodeReader will look for by calling SDTSetReadInputTypes. By default the input image will be analyzed for all types which could decrease performance in most cases.
- Call either SDTReadImageFileA, SDTReadImageFileW or SDTReadRGBImageBuffer to process the image file or image rgb data buffer respectivelly.
- Check count of recognized barcode symbols by calling SDTGetResultsCount
- Obtain recognized barcode symbol value and properties by calling SDTGetResultValue and SDTGetResultProperties
- To destroy the BarcodeReader and its allocated memory call SDTDestroyBarcodeReader.